Thursday, February 18, 2010

Qué risa!

How funny!

This afternoon, Lauren, Aunt Toni (yes! Aunt Toni is now here with me!) and I went with Andrea up to a different sector in Alto Cayma called Japon (with brightly painted houses - I loved it!) where she goes each Thursday afternoon to teach knitting and crocheting. There weren't very many women this week; apparently, most of the women were away planting potatoes. However, we did meet one of the funniest women, Abigail, who made me laugh so hard my cheeks hurt. You didn't even need to know Spanish to understand her humor.

The couple of hours we spent with them made me wish a) that I knew how to knit/crochet; b) that I knew more Spanish. And so I'm putting a thought out there - if anyone is interested in starting a knitting circle with me that speaks in Spanish, let me know (or perhaps there is already a group that wouldn't mind me joining?). Andrea and I were joking about how I learn a little more and more Spanish each day - I told her that I would continue to take Spanish lessons once I was back in Alaska so that I could talk to her on skype and she got really excited.

Speaking of which, Jill sent down a video camera with me that I set up on the computer in the knitting ladies' working room. Yesterday, they had a phone call through skype with Emily, a long-time volunteer who is currently living in Iowa and, because of the camera, she was able to see them for the first time since she last left. It meant a lot to the ladies who were so happy to show Emily their newest knitting member, Maria, and her young son who has just begun to walk. It will be exciting to talk to them even when I'm in Alaska.

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